Nice to meet you!
Adam Goler is a career CFI/II with a decade of teaching experience at the university level. With a unique background, including a Physics PhD, semiconductor industry R&D, predictive analytics of piston aircraft engine failure, and military leadership, Adam is able to deliver a premium flight training experience, emphasizing aeronautical decision making, safety, proficiency, and FUN.
Check out my professional CV here.
Whats with the logo?
On a training flight with a student pilot I was confronted with a wasp in the cockpit, which appeared suddenly from behind the front side panel of the aircraft interior (likely coming in through the fresh air vent on the forward fuselage of our trusty 172, codenamed "LUCY"). The timing of the bug's appearance was in the midst of our runup procedure and my student and I proceeded to attempt to sequester the wasp, which had disappeared, hoping it had returned from whence it came. We subsequently included provisions for what we believed to be the ensuing wasp battle as part of our pre-takeoff briefing. Fortunately, the wasp was not seen again for the remainder of the flight.